Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Beginning

So I'd like to take you on a little journey into the past. Well, the past year that is and tell you the amazing story of how I came to own this little gem that I call Petunia. For the past three years, every day on my drive to work, I would pass this little charming farmhouse at the end of the short street, where I live. As I would drive pass, I caught a glimpse of this darling little trailer who looked oh so sad and tired. I often thought to myself what it would be like to own one of these little trailers, fix it up and go camping. I didn't realize that they were the hottest thing right now. So I would drive by the house and dream about what that trailer looked like inside and wondered if the owners would ever be willing to sell it. Flash forward to last spring. I was driving by on my usual route to work when out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something red. Errrrrrr (those were the squeal of my breaks as I threw the car in reverse) and lo and behold, there it was..that red FOR SALE sign. So I did what any level headed, red blooded american, vintage lovin girl would do. I walked right up to the front door and knocked. I tell you, when I took one look inside that baby I knew I was a gonner..I just had to have her. So I called the hubby and did a little sweet talkin..a couple of hours later she was in my driveway.

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