Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's a Roof Vent for goodness sake!

So I never thought I would be so excited about a roofing vent, but here I am, doing the happy dance that we got a new vent. Mr. B (Hubby) decided that since the old one, circa 1962 finally bit the dust, our baby needed a new, modern, updated vent with a reversable fan (Oh the joy). So here it is in all it's glory. Now he just has to figure out how to wire the dumb thing.

1 comment:

  1. Did you ask the roofing experts back then? They know a lot 'bout vents and their wirings. However, I can imagine how happy you were back then, even if you weren't taking pictures. Hehe. Everybody has their own happy dance! Mine's the macarena... Hahaha!
