Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two more "glamping" trips scheduled in Petunia

Woo Hoo...I'm so excited, I just had to share. Mr. B and I are going "Glamping". We now have two trips scheduled in Petunia this summer. One is to Big Sur in July and the other to Santa Cruz in August. I could get used to these little monthly "get-a-ways"


  1. Oh my goodness...what a suprise!!!! I did not know you began blogging. Someday we will go glamping together. One of my best friend's jAne just joined Sister's On The Fly. I know several other ladies through blogging too. You can find jAne and her Edelweiss on my bloglist. Our 'Pearl' is sitting on the William's land right now waiting to be renovated. Don't know if we will get to take her out this summer. Boo hoo Petuna is the perfect name for your sweet thing. I love it!!!

  2. Hi Kerrie, I'm just getting started with this whole blogging thingy. It all started because I was getting so many requests for photos of Petunia, and I answered the same questions, over and over, so I thought what better way to give interested parties a place to go and look at her. When I began to research trailer blogs, it seems that everyone who has a vintage trailer, also blogs about them. So fun to look at and I had to get in on the action. My blog still needs a lot of work. There are so many little things to know about (like all the buttons/givaways/special days/layout..etc... I'm learning but any advice you can offer is most appreciated.

  3. So excited to read your blog. I was looking for pics of Doran Beach campsites when I discovered Kerrie of Sea Cottage's blog which led me to your blog. I too have a vintage Kencraft!! Our's is a 1964 and "he" is called "little buddy". Our 9 year old son named him that last year when we got it. We may have to rethink the name since I want to put a few more girly touches on it (much to my husbands chagrin). I would love to send you some pics since ours seem to look very similar to yours. Yours looks a bit bigger though. Just have to figure out how to do the pics(not very computer savvy). It is so difficult to get info on these Kencrafts, so it is great to see yours!! So exciting to explore the world of vintage trailers and discover a whole world of cool "glampers".

  4. Dear Anonymous-Thank you for your sweet post. I'm glad you found me and to know that there are other Kencraft trailers out there. We originally thought that ours was a '64 also, but in looking back on the registration and after some research, I'm fairly certain that she is a '62. I could be wrong..I'm often wrong. She is only 14'in length (16' with tongue). The photo I posted makes her look a little more stretched out than she actually is (I'm still learning how to work this whole blogging thing). She needs a paint job definitely (am working on that) but for now, we are just enjoying her. I'd love to see photos of your "Little Buddy". Do you have a blog or website about "him"? It seems that so many vintage trailer owners have started blogging about their adventures and it's fun to read their stories and see photos. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

  5. OK, you have inspired me to try to put together a blog. I have put together a few pics and hope that by me sending it via a post on here, you will be able to see them. I know this whole blogging thing is new to you as well, but your site looks so cool. Let me know if you see the pics.

  6. We have a 1959 Kencraft that we have loved restoring!! We bought it for $400.00- it had good bones, but needed some work. We have redone all electrical( it worked but we wanted to update it) and stripped the paint down to aluminum( it was a hunting rig, lots of bad paint on it) We are ready to paint it, and will begin working on plumbing- my buddy helped take care of any wood rot and we re putty taped the whole thing!! We haven't taken it camping yet, but are excited for when we do!!
