Friday, August 26, 2011

Sweet Pink Heaven I'm in Love!

I absolutely fell in love with this car the other day. I think I need it. Can't you just picture Petunia being pulled behind this baby? Best part about it...It's PINK!!!

Another photo of the Bed.

The curtains are much more "bedroomy" and it feels so much more peaceful back there..

A little rearranging!

As much as I love Petunia's curtains, there has always been something that has bugged me or "messed with my Feng su" when I look at them. So when my friend Nikki (Seamstress Extraordinaire) came over to talk "fabric and stuff" I shared this dilemma with her. After talking things through for about an hour, I got a bright idea to swap out the bedroom and dining area curtains..Tada!! Much better. So now, she is going to make me a couple of matching curtains for the larger windows up front, and use the remaining fabric for an apron and some decorative pillows. Eventually I will have curtains made that are all "girly" ..but since I did promise Mr. B that I would attempt to keep her a little more "neutral" I will have to wait on the foo foo curtains. I think these are pretty cute for now.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Petunia has some new treasures!

Aren't these the cutest? I found the Rolling pin the other day, at a local Antique store. I feel like I found the jackpot, because the man running the store that day told me about a local woman who owns a vintage trailer. She comes to his store weekly and buys up any "Pink" vintage items for her trailer. He said that the rolling pin had just arrived and it was my lucky day! Ha. She's probably the one bidding against me on Ebay all the time.