I haven't posted anything new for quite some time. I realize that most of my (seudo) blogging is directly related to Petunia, however, since we haven't had any adventures in her, and I haven't taken any new photos lately...heck, I haven't even given her a good cleaning in over a month (bad Mom) I decided to post about something completely different. Apples!! It's apple pickin season in the foothills above Sacramento, so last weekend I made the trek up to "The city of Trees" and spend the weekend with my beloved Sister, Mother, Sister in Law and future Sister in Law to be in Apple Hill. We purchased about 120lbs of apples to process. My future SIL is planning on giving apple butter at her wedding to my brother next spring. So we had the Vance Sister's apple butter factory going non stop all day on Sunday. All in all, we made 247 jars of Apple Butter. Oh and what trip to Apple Hill would be complete without a little wine tasting..we did that too!! I also managed to find a few treasures for Petunia that I will post a little later.

Packing out our haul!
Wine tasting, Oh yes..
Ready for cookin down!
Have you ever seen so many apples at once? the house smelled Amazing!
My Beloved Sister and I (I'm holding the wine glass)
Our finished product - all 247 of them