Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two more "glamping" trips scheduled in Petunia

Woo Hoo...I'm so excited, I just had to share. Mr. B and I are going "Glamping". We now have two trips scheduled in Petunia this summer. One is to Big Sur in July and the other to Santa Cruz in August. I could get used to these little monthly "get-a-ways"
Here are a Few photos of Petunia and her Brother side by side.



Petunia has a Brother!

I found a trailer, exactly like Petunia. I've NEVER found another one identical. It's so fun to see what they have done with him. I say him, because he lookes like a boy.

Here is a photo of him:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's a Roof Vent for goodness sake!

So I never thought I would be so excited about a roofing vent, but here I am, doing the happy dance that we got a new vent. Mr. B (Hubby) decided that since the old one, circa 1962 finally bit the dust, our baby needed a new, modern, updated vent with a reversable fan (Oh the joy). So here it is in all it's glory. Now he just has to figure out how to wire the dumb thing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Since my Petunia is only one of a few Ken-Craft trailers that I see online I really aim to make her unique, like she is. I've spent hours and hours searching the internet for exterior paint ideas and I've come to the conclusion that there is not much "uniqueness" to be had. Now don't get me wrong, I think the paint jobs are all charming, but most are fairly standard to the time period. Anyway, I just want to be different. So here are a few ideas I came up with. Let me know what you think.

The Front:

The side and Rear:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Photos of Curtains

I couldn't figure out how to get these photos posted into my last blog, so here they are.

It's Curtains for you!

Since I wasn't blessed with the gift of stitch I came to the conclusion that I only had two choices. Either I could pay a ridiculous price for cheeply made curtains that didn't fit my Petunia's windows (and she has 7 of them) or I could pursuade a friend of mine who does sew, what fun it would be to make curtains for me, in trade for some spa services. I think I got the better end of the deal. Nikki and I went shopping for the fabric that I had previously looked at and fell in love with, but to my HORROR it was sold out. How could they do that to me?? My Sister was due to arrive the next week. She was to be my first official overnight guest staying in Petunia and I was in desperate need of curtains so that the neighbors wouldn't be able to see my Sister in her undies. So Nikki and I chose an alternative fabric that was equally as cute and would definitely get the job done. She made them for the front three wrap around windows and I hung sheets up on the back. I was still heartbroken that my original fabric (which was PERFECT) was gone, and so one day after my Sister left, I decided to do an internet search (thank GOD for the internet) and guess what jumping up and down, there was my fabric! Right there on Who knew the Mormans had their own fabric company? I was so excited to be able to make the curtains of my dreams. I have to give a shoutout to my friend Nikki Carter, who made me the most beautiful curtains that were beyond my expectations and far better quality than ANY store bought ones. I told her she could have a career making vintage trailer curtains for people. So here are a few photos of them all hung up. BTW, not only did she make the curtains, but she also did tie-backs plus there is enough extra fabric to make coordinating pillows and cloth napkins.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pink, Pink oh how I love Pink!!!

Did I mention that I love Pink? I have no Idea where this obsession with the color Pink came from, but's here to stay. I wouldn't have considered myself a "girlie girl" but for some crazy reason, I've become such a princess. So here are some photos of my latest "Pink" finds. I found these darling Pink Pyrex dishes..aren't the daisys just the cutest.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned for days..I was high from the fumes. Petunia had been sorely neglected and was being used for storage. The good thing was she didn't smell like a musty old trailer. The previous owners has obviously cared for her enough to take the time to put indoor/outdoor carpet over the lovely original linoleum. It is almost perfect and oh so adorable. The lino has pink and turquoise "sparkles"..and when it's polished up, boy does it shine. The curtains were hideous and practically disintegrated in my hands plus there was 30 years of grime on everything. I spent several days scrubbing her from top to bottom. In the process I found an awesome but extremely rusted cast iron frying pan. I cleaned that up nicely and consider it a bonus. Here are a few "before" photos..Notice the Curtains? They fell apart in my hands, and who reupholstered the banquet seating in that hideous fabric? Everything is original and everything works (for the most part) except those disgusting cushions.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Beginning

So I'd like to take you on a little journey into the past. Well, the past year that is and tell you the amazing story of how I came to own this little gem that I call Petunia. For the past three years, every day on my drive to work, I would pass this little charming farmhouse at the end of the short street, where I live. As I would drive pass, I caught a glimpse of this darling little trailer who looked oh so sad and tired. I often thought to myself what it would be like to own one of these little trailers, fix it up and go camping. I didn't realize that they were the hottest thing right now. So I would drive by the house and dream about what that trailer looked like inside and wondered if the owners would ever be willing to sell it. Flash forward to last spring. I was driving by on my usual route to work when out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something red. Errrrrrr (those were the squeal of my breaks as I threw the car in reverse) and lo and behold, there it was..that red FOR SALE sign. So I did what any level headed, red blooded american, vintage lovin girl would do. I walked right up to the front door and knocked. I tell you, when I took one look inside that baby I knew I was a gonner..I just had to have her. So I called the hubby and did a little sweet talkin..a couple of hours later she was in my driveway.